We are consciously addressing the impact that our business activities have on the environment. Therefore, we are committed to being NetZero by 2027. This means that we reduce our carbon footprint in Scope 1 and 2 - those two areas on which we have a direct impact - by 90% in real terms. This applies, for example, to our company cars, gas, heat and purchased electricity. Offsetting our greenhouse gases is only accepted to the extent of 10%. Greenhouse gases in Scope 3 are also analyzed and reduced as far as possible.
Since SAN Group was founded, we have been investing daily in the further development of renewable energies such as green hydrogen, installing PV systems, electrifying our fleet, using geothermal energy instead of non-renewable resources and creating awareness among our employees.
As a first step it was needed to calculate our Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) according to the internationally valid Greenhouse Gas Protocol and thoroughly analyze the sources. This was done based on the data of the SAN Group Financial Year 22 (FY22). Based on the analysis the next step was to identify opportunities to avoid greenhouse gasses as much as possible by optimizing processes, switching from fossil to renewable energy wherever available and only as a last resort (maximum 10%) neutralizing residual emissions via offsetting. By 2027, our greenhouse gas emissions in Scope 1 and Scope 2 will be reduced to zero. We are green-doers, no green-washers. With our passion for innovation, we pave the way for a better tomorrow!

Our Measures

Electric vehicles and Hydrogen cars are a clean alternative when powered with green electricity. Currently our car fleet in Austria consists of 90 % green vehicles: 80 % electric cars and 10 % H2 cars!

Photovoltaic system will be installed for the production site and the new office building, including 2 e-charging stations for cars. By installing photovoltaic systems on buildings, we can ensure decentralized green energy supply.

California is a model state in the green movement within the USA. We currently evaluate the possibility to purchase 100 % green electricity only for our subsidiary in Vista (CA).

100 % green electricity for our Austrian subsidiaries: The 750 kWp photovoltaic system on 5,000 sqm roof top area of our commercial halls at Herzogenburg make perfect use of the space, and significantly contributes to our electricity demands in a sustainable way!

Our Brazilian car fleet can be run on gasoline or bioethanol. There is an excellent network of refilling stations in the country for both fuels in the country. With the implementation of a "Fuel Choice Policy", our employees are obliged to use bioethanol which produces less emissions than gasoline.

SAN Group owns the first privately owned green hydrogen production and filling station in Lower Austria. With part of the electricity produced by our 5.000 m² of photovoltaic panels mounted on our industrial halls we can produce up to 100 kg Hydrogen per day to fuel the H2-cars in our company fleet.

We replace company cars by electric vehicles and set up electric vehicle charging infrastructure at all our German subsidiaries!
Photovoltaic Herzogenburg (AT)

"It is important that we focus not only on business activities and their impact, but on seeing the full picture, including the environmental impact and its challenges. For me, the solution is like a big jigsaw puzzle where everyone can contribute a piece. This is not limited to corporate activities, but also to everyone's endeavors – even outside the company."

"In our production processes, we particularly strive to continuously reduce the consumption of energy and resources. The use of renewable resources and the constant evaluation of sustainable alternatives are a MUST DO for us."

"We plan and build projects with the intention of thoughtfully using the primary sources of energy that are available – and doing this as efficiently as possible. We use water, wind, soil, and sun as energy sources to get one step closer to our goal: Being NetZero by 2027."

"I support SAN Group’s goal of becoming net zero because I believe in living an earth-conscious lifestyle so future generations can have a better planet."

"Taking sustainability aspects into account can be a challenge in construction projects – but it is an absolute must-do! I see myself not only as a project developer, but also as a developer of a better tomorrow. Challenge accepted!"

"SAN Group has a very strong commitment to the use of renewable energies, actively contributing to a more conscious and sustainable world for our future generations. This challenges and motivates us."
Photovoltaic Campinas (BR)
SAN Group: We are green doers with a passion for innovation!
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